Golu is an ancient tradition of displaying vibrant coloured dolls on various themes, Gods, Goddesses, and topics during the Hindu festival of Navaratri in South India. It is displayed in stands or frames made of multiple steps (padis) that are covered with a decorative cloth to arrange individual collections of bommais (dolls), of all shapes and sizes.<br><br>
Sometimes, certain reasons may call for a minimalistic, simple celebration. In such situations our miniature Golu Padi stand is just what you need. Made of Seesham wood it has a frame of 5 steps totaling 11.5 inches tall x 8.5" width. Nicely varnished and finished to a high spec.<br><br>
Buy the Miniature Golu Padi Stand in Seesham wood from Giri UK
Dimension: 8.5 × 11.5 cmWeight: 1.275 kg