One of the most famous Hindu epics is the Ramayana. This story follows the banished prince Sri Ram - Lord Vishnu's 7th avatar - and his journey to rescue Sita from Ravana's palace, alongside his brother Lakshman and loyal companion Hanuman. After slaying Ravana, the lord returns to Ayodhya and is crowned King. Present at his coronation are his wife Sita, as well as Lakshman and Hanuman. Various other celestial deities are present, including Shiva, Parvati, Ganesha, Muruga, Brahma, Saraswati and Narada.
This painting beautifully captures the intricate details of this glorious scene. Made with utmost care and bhakti, this Sri Ram Pattabhishekam painting is an excellent addition to your home decor or pooja space.
Dimension: 14 × 11 cmWeight: 0.58 kg