The Kaalika Puraan, also known as the Kali Purana, is one of the eighteen Mahapuranas, a genre of ancient Hindu texts that primarily focus on vedic philosophy, cosmology, and religious teachings. The Kaalika Puraan is dedicated to the worship and glorification of the goddess Kali, who is considered one of the fierce forms of the Divine Mother.
The Kaalika Puraan is traditionally attributed to the sage Vyasa, who is also credited with compiling the other Puraan's. It is originally composed in Sanskrit, and later translated in Hindi.
The text consists of various sections and chapters that narrate legends, rituals, and philosophical teachings associated with the goddess Kali. It describes her divine attributes, forms, manifestations, and her role in the cosmic order.
The Kaalika Puraan is highly regarded among devotees of the goddess Kali and is often recited, studied, and consulted for guidance in Kali worship and tantra practices. It serves as a source of inspiration, devotion, and tantra wisdom for followers of the Shakta tradition.
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