Lakshmi, Vishnu and Lalitha Sahasranamamare the primary ones needed to learn pray for busy individuals and families in a fast paced life.
Firstly, Sri Laksmi Sahasranamam contains 1008 divine names of Sri Mahalakshmi - the Goddess of Wealth. The chanting of HER glorious names brings prosperity, wealth, happiness and abundance. Chanting HER names simply eradicates all sorrows and miseries of life caused by poverty, pain and misfortune. With experiencing wealth, her veil of maya slowly diminishes to make the devotee seek the grace of MahaVishnu.
Next, chanting names of Mahavishnu through Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam removes all negative energies, instills positive vibrations through chanting his names, helps attain calmness of mind and ultimately leads to jeevan mukti or moksha.
Finally, Lalitha Sahasranamam and sincerely seeking refuge in Sri Lalitha Parameswari is considered of the highest order. She is above an beyond all Gods and Demi Gods (Para Devata). Reciting the Lalitha sahasranamam sincerely, and everyday, gives complete protection to the devotee throughout their life until they pass out peacefully to merge with her bindu (the red dot), to break the cycles of birth and death, never to be born again.
Ultimate goal of the seeker is to realise the essence of "I am That" or "Tat Twam Asi"...through these sahasranamams.
Buy the Vishnu-Lakshmi-Lalitha Sahasranamam book in Kannada from GiriUK.