Periya Puranam, also known as Tiruttondar Puranam or Thiru-Thondar-Puranam, is a classical Tamil poetic work composed by Sekkizhar, a revered poet-saint of the Saiva Siddhanta tradition. The term "Periya Puranam" translates to "Great Purana" or "Great Epic." It is considered one of the most significant literary and religious works in Tamil literature.
Periya Puranam primarily narrates the lives and stories of the sixty-three Nayanars, who were devotees of Lord Shiva and played crucial roles in the development and propagation of Shaivism in ancient Tamil Nadu. The Nayanars were saints from diverse backgrounds, including kings, farmers, artisans, and outcasts, who attained spiritual realisation through their unwavering devotion to Lord Shiva.
Sekkizhar's Periya Puranam provides vivid descriptions of the lives, miracles, and spiritual experiences of the Nayanars, portraying them as exemplars of devotion, humility, and divine love. The work highlights their struggles, sacrifices, and ultimate attainment of liberation (moksha) through their unshakable faith in Lord Shiva.
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