Vishnu Durga, also known as Narayani, is one among the numerous forms of Goddess Durga. She is also known as Yoga Maya. She is depicted in a peaceful form (Samumya Vadana), as well as in a fierce form as Mahishasuramardini. Kamsa was told, in a prophecy, that the eighth child of Devaki would kill him. When it was time for Lord Vishnu Himself to soon take form as Krishna, the eighth son of Devaki, he ordered Yoga Maya to be born as the daughter of Yashoda. As instructed by Narayana, and with his divine aid, Vasudeva carried his son, the infant Krishna, out of the prison and across the Yamuna and left him with Yashoda. He then brought Yoga Maya back to the prison. As Kamsa tried to kill the infant, she took her divine form as Durga Devi and informed Kamsa that Krishna was born elsewhere. As per Lord Vishnu's orders, Yoga Maya then transferred Shesha (who would become Balarama) from the womb of Devaki to the womb of Rohini. Thus, Yoga Maya played a vital role in the birth of one of Narayana's most glorious avatars. Golu is a doll and figurine tradition, performed during the festival of Navaratri. It is a padi (set of steps) decorated with Bommais (dolls), of all shapes and sizes. Each doll represents a Hindu figure or a classic story. With its intricate detail and vibrant colours, this Vishnu Durga doll is an excellent addition to your Golu display.
Dimension: 6.5 × 14 cmWeight: 0.905 kg