The Lakshmi Padam (divine feet) is a beautiful piece, carefully designed to honour the divine Hindu Goddess Lakshmi. At 1.5 inches and weighing 210 grams, this beautiful padam serves as a symbol of prosperity and an emblem of good fortune. Goddess Lakshmi is the embodiment of abundance, luck, and generosity. This Lakshmi padam serves as a representation of her divine presence and is highly regarded in Hindu rituals and poojas. Made from high-quality aluminum, this padam showcases intricate detailing and is adorned with the sacred Svastika symbol, signifying auspiciousness and well-being. Wealth and prosperity are integral aspects of Hinduism, and the Lakshmi Padham Aluminium is an essential addition to poojas and ceremonies dedicated to invoking and honoring the Goddess Lakshmi. Placed on an altar or as part of a puja set, this padam serves as a channel to connect with the divine, amplifying positive energy and attracting wealth into the worshiper's life. Whether you are a devout Hindu seeking to enhance your spiritual practices or someone appreciating fine craftsmanship and Hindu symbolism, the Lakshmi Padam Aluminium is a remarkable piece that encapsulates the essence of the Goddess Lakshmi and the prosperity she bestows. Buy now.
Dimension: 3.25 × 1.5 cmWeight: 0.21 kg