guru purnimaguru purnima

Guru Purnima

In Sanatana Dharma, a Guru is a revered, knowledgeable and wise person that guides one to enlightenment. Hinduism accords the Guru an exalted position, next only to God! The full moon day in the Shravana/Ashada month is celebrated as Guru Purnima, a day that is spent in honouring and expressing gratitude to all the great sages as well as ones’s lineage of Gurus. The day is also known as Vyasar Purnima in honour of Sage Veda Vyasa who was the compiler of the Vedas and Puranas and a great Guru himself.

The day of Guru Purnima also marks the start of the Chaturmasya period where Sanyasis camp in one place for a period of 4 fortnights during which they teach, spread and analyse Vedic doctrines.

Within homes, rituals for Guru Purnima vary from simple offerings of offering fruits, flowers, incense sticks etc to much larger Pujas using a wide range of Puja Samagri.

Guru Purnima is celebrated by Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs.

This year (2023) Guru Purnima falls on 2nd July.