Is there a significance to the different metals used in Puja?

Most Hindu homes have a dedicated space to call their Puja. Some lucky people have a room they could call the Puja room. Santana Dharma advocates several routine practices and having a separate space for these, helps follow those practices. Most puja spaces will have a set of commonly used items such as lamps, bells, arati plates, puja thalis, agarbatti stands etc, apart from metal figurines and idols of Gods.

The most commonly used metal in South Indian puja rooms is brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass idols or lamps are believed to attract positive energy and ward off negative forces. It is believed that brass has the ability to purify the surrounding air, making it ideal for use in puja rooms. The sound of the bell made of brass is also considered auspicious, and it is believed to invoke positive energies. Brass is also known for its durability and is easy to maintain, making it a popular choice for puja rooms.

Silver is another fairly commonly used metal that holds an important place in South Indian puja rooms. Unlike other metals that are alloys, silver symbolises purity and and a connection with spirituality. Amongst gold, silver and platinum, which are the most precious of metals, silver is the most affordable and hence is used widely for puja purposes. It is believed to have disinfecting properties and so, is often used to make sacred vessels for holding holy water or other offerings. In fact, it is also very often used for meals in many households. In astrology, it is believed that Silver is associated with Venus and the Moon, and so having silver items at home would bring good luck ward off negative energies. Silver is also associated with the feminine energy and particularly popular for the worship of Lakshmi so many homes have silver coins that are used regularly in Devi worship.

Copper is another metal one would find not just in a puja space, but around most homes. Copper is naturally anti-bacterial and is very often used to store water for drinking or religious purposes. There is evidence to show that copper has been used by Humans for over 10,000 years! Being another metal in its pure form, it is very often used for Puja Thalia and Plates especially during rituals for ancestors.

Gold is considered the most auspicious metal in Indian culture, and as with every other part of Hindu tradition, it holds significant importance in puja rooms. It is believed to be a symbol of wealth and prosperity, is also believed to have the ability to purify negative energies and attract positive energy. However due the obvious reason of accessibility by everyone, Gold is mostly restricted to coins in the worship of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

Gold is considered the most auspicious metal in Indian culture, and as with every other part of Hindu tradition, it holds significant importance in puja rooms. It is believed to be a symbol of wealth and prosperity, is also believed to have the ability to purify negative energies and attract positive energy. However due the obvious reason of accessibility by everyone, Gold is mostly restricted to coins in the worship of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity.