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Sandanathi Thailam (Sandalwood Oil)- 100 Ml


This oil is known for its ayurvedic properties in skincare and calming fragrance to nurture wellness

Availability: In stock

Sandanathi Thailam is a traditional Ayurvedic oil renowned for its therapeutic properties, a Kangaroo brand. Comprising potent ingredients like sandalwood, it is used for promoting skin health and alleviating various dermatological issues. This aromatic oil is often used in Ayurvedic skincare routines, believed to enhance complexion, reduce inflammation, and soothe skin irritations. Sandanathi Thailam is also favored for its calming fragrance, contributing to mental relaxation and stress relief. Its application in Ayurvedic practices underscores a holistic approach to well-being, emphasizing the integration of natural elements to nurture both the body and mind. Regular use is thought to foster a balance of doshas, promoting overall vitality.

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Weight(KG) 0.120000
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