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Sri Vaibhava Lakshmi Puja Book in Tamil


This is a spiritual reference book that contains mantras and procedures to perform the Vaibhava Lakshmi Puja to invoke divinity.

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Vaibhava Lakshmi Puja is a special worship ritual dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity. The word "Vaibhava" means "wealth" or "prosperity," and the puja is performed to invoke the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi for abundance, success, and overall well-being. The Vaibhava Lakshmi Puja is typically conducted by married women, particularly on Fridays, which are considered auspicious for worshipping Goddess Lakshmi. 

The procedures for Vaibhava Lakshmi Puja may vary depending on regional customs and family traditions, but it generally similar to the Satyananarayana Vrat Kathta and involves steps of preparation, invocation, offerings, recitation of the katha (or her Glories), archana/puja, neivedhyam, aarti and finally prasad distribution

The Vaibhava Lakshmi Puja is believed to bestow blessings of wealth, prosperity, and success upon devotees who perform it with sincerity, devotion, and faith. It is also considered a way to express gratitude to Goddess Lakshmi for her benevolence and to seek her continued blessings 

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Weight(KG) 0.065000
Language Tamil
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