Monthly Archives: March 2023

  1. The concept of Daanam in Hindu Culture

    The concept of Daanam in Hindu Culture

    Daanam or charity holds a very high place in Santana Dharma. In fact, the scriptures even say that Daanam is our dharma! It advocates that even if one has just a penny, a part of it has to be set aside for daanam. It is considered a virtuous act that brings good karma and is a way to cultivate compassion and generosity with the aim of having a more equitable society. However, many daanams are also prescribed to negate the ill effects of one’s sufferings as well.

    In Mahabharata, it is indicated that Knowledge is the friend while traveling; the wife is the friend at home; medicine is the friend of the sick and Daanam is the friend of one who is going to die ie.everyone.

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  2. Homams – History, Current trends and practices

    Homams – History, Current trends and practices

    Almost everyone has a firm belief that any endeavour needs the blessing of the Almighty in order to be a success. For centuries, Hindus have been performing Homam’s or Havan which is essentially a spiritual ritual that involves a holy sacrificial fire. The fire or Agni is invoked as an agent to carry material and symbolic offerings to God. Homams are usually conducted by priests learned in Vedas and shastras on behalf of a family. The belief is that making specific offerings to specific deities will not only result in the successful attainment of any petition that is made, but also grant good health, wealth and prosperity. Therefore, various Homams exist depending on which sect one belongs to or which deity one is propitiating, or what one would like

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