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Dance Gestures - Abhinaya Darpanam in Sanskrit, English


A book with with English translation and transliteration beautifully establishing the fact that body language has immense value in Iandian Art Expressions.

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The "Abhinaya Darpanam" is a classic Sanskrit text that is foundational to the Indian classical dance form of Bharatanatyam, as well as other Indian classical dance styles. It was composed by Nandikeshvara, and it primarily focuses on the art of abhinaya, which can be understood as the expressive aspect of dance.

The book contains information about :
a) Hand Gestures (Mudras), that convey different meanings, emotions, and stories in dance. These mudras are essential tools for expressing specific sentiments or conveying narratives without words. 
b) Facial Expressions (Bhavas): to portray various emotions like love, anger, joy, sorrow, and more.  
c) Postures and Movements: "Abhinaya Darpanam" also provides guidelines on the postures, stances, and movements that dancers should adopt to depict characters, convey moods, and narrate stories effectively. 
d) Narrative Techniques: for storytelling through dance, including how to portray characters, depict scenes, and communicate narratives using gestures, expressions, and movements. 
e) Interpretation: Of symbolic meanings associated with various gestures and movements, helping dancers understand the deeper significance behind their actions and expressions.

Buy Dance Gestures Abhinaya Darpanam book in Sanskrit with English translation and transliteration. 

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Weight(KG) 0.230000
Language English
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