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GiriUK Navagraha Homam / Puja set


A complete homam/puja set that is needed to conduct navagraha homam at home with all essential ingredients

Availability: In stock

Navagraha Homam is a ritual performed to appease the nine celestial bodies or "Navagrahas," which include the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. 

It is conducted to seek blessings, mitigate the negative effects of planetary influences, and promote overall well-being. The essential ingredients for this homam include a sacred fire (Agni), Samit and Ghee to create Agni, various grains (navadanyam), flowers and vastram with specific veda mantras for each graha. 

The ceremony is conducted by a priest, and offerings are made to each celestial body in the form of symbolic representations like colored cloth (vastram) and grains (navadanyam) while chanting mantras associated with each planet.

At Giri, we are proud to be the only enterprise in the UK to offer a full Navagraha homam set, which includes everything you need for this pooja. Buy the navagraha homam set gtom GiriUK.

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Weight(KG) 4.900000
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