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Lalita Trishati Bhashyam - Malayalam


A Book in Malayalam containing detailed descriptions of Lalita Trishati - a set of 300 beautiful slokas on the divine goddess.

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Lalita Trishati Bhashyam is the detailed description of 300 sacred names on the divine goddess. Lalita Tripurasundari is the celestial ‘shakti’ or energy behind every event - from the timiest vibrations of atoms to the colossal collisions of galaxies. Devi is powerful and all-pervading, yet compassionate and graceful. The daily chanting of these names is considered a profound form of worship and devotion to the divine mother. The significance of chanting or reciting the these beautiful and powerful names lies in their ability to purify the mind, increase spiritual and mental strength, and lead to the attainment of her blessings - a step forward in the direction of attaining Moksha or Mukti. Buy the Lalita Trishati Bhashyam book in Malayalam from GiriUK.
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Weight(KG) 0.185000
Language Malayalam
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