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Rudri Path - Rudra Ashtadhyayi in Hindi


A book that contains a collection of Eight holy verses to appease Sri Rudra - from Sri Rudram, Shiva Puja, Shiva Mahimna, Shivashtakam and Rudrashtakam.

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The Rudrashtadhyayi, also known as the Rudri, is a sacred hymn dedicated to Lord Rudra, a fierce form of Lord Shiva. It is a part of the Yajurveda, one of the four Vedas, and specifically belongs to the Taittiriya Samhita. The Rudrashtadhyayi comprises eight verses  (ashtadhyayi) containing praises and invocations to Lord Rudra.

The Rudrashtadhyayi is often chanted or recited during special occasions, rituals, and ceremonies dedicated to Lord Shiva, such as Shivratri, Rudrabhishekam, and other Vedic rituals.

The hymns also praise various attributes of Lord Rudra, describing him as the supreme deity embodying both benevolent and fierce forms. It seeks Lord Rudra's blessings for protection, purification, and spiritual upliftment, while also seeking forgiveness for any sins committed.

The recitation of the Rudrashtadhyayi is believed to confer divine blessings, remove obstacles, and bring about peace, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment for the devotees. Many devotees also believe that chanting the Rudrashtadhyayi with devotion and sincerity can help alleviate suffering, dispel negativity, and foster a deeper connection with Lord Rudra's divine presence.

Buy Rudri Path - Rudra Ashtadhyayi in Hindi/Sanskrit from Giri UK. This sacred book contains a collection of hymns with 8 verses dedicated to Sri Rudra and Sri Shiva including the Shiva Puha procedure, Sri Rudram, Shiva Mahimna, Shivashtakam and Rudrashtakam.

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Weight(KG) 0.132000
Language Sanskrit, Hindi
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