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Sri Surya Nitya Pooja Book in Telugu


A book that explains the procedure for daily worship of the Sun God to seek His blessings for wealth, vitality & victory.

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Sri Surya Nitya Pooja Book in Telugu from Giri UK. Requiring daily worship of the Sun God, this is a daily practice seek His blessings for wealth, vitality & victory. The term "Nitya" means daily, suggesting that this puja is ideally performed as a part of one's daily spiritual discipline and duty.

Performing Sri Surya Nitya Puja is believed to bring several benefits to the devotees, including Good Health and Vitality, Prosperity, Removal of Obstacles and Spiritual Growth.

The book explains the correct procedure for daily worship of the Sun God to seek His blessings for the above benefits.

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Weight(KG) 0.030000
Language Telugu
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