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A book on the beautiful display of devotion and valour by Hanuman, the Monkey God, who goes on a mission to find Sita in Lanka

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Sundarakandam is a pivotal chapter of the Indian epic, the Ramayana, composed by the sage Valmiki. It narrates the journey of Hanuman, the monkey god, to the island of Lanka to search for Sita, Lord Rama's kidnapped wife. This section is called "Sundarakandam" because it's full of beauty, signifying the beauty of devotion and valor.

It showcases Hanuman's incredible feats, including his single leap across the ocean to find and meet Sita. The chapter holds a central place in the Ramayana for its depiction of unwavering devotion, courage, and the pivotal role played by Hanuman in Lord Rama's quest to rescue Sita from the demon king, Ravana.

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Weight(KG) 0.241000
Language Tamil, Sanskrit
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