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Brass Kubera Lakshmi Deep


Kubera Lakshmi deep is filled with oil and lit to create a soft and warm light believed to purify the environment and bring prosperity and wealth.

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Illuminate your puja room with the divine radiance of the Lakshmi Kubera Deepam, a symbol of wealth, prosperity, and spirituality! The Lakshmi Kubera Deepam is a unique and powerful lamp that combines the energies of two of the most revered deities - Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kubera.By lighting the Lakshmi Kubera vilakku, devotees seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, who is the Goddess of wealth, prosperity, and abundance, and Lord Kubera, who is the God of wealth and riches.During puja or worship, the lamp is filled with oil and lit, and small cotton wicks are placed in the holders. The wicks are then lit, creating a soft and warm light that is believed to purify the environment and bring blessings and prosperity.

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Weight(KG) 0.400000
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